Our Nearshore services offer expert and efficient staff augmentation solutions that allow you to rent key profiles your team is missing or delegate your project to us. Let us help you build the team you need to succeed.


Are you looking for creatives ready to attack any digital product? In our company, the experienced UX/UI designers have been in plenty of projects in areas like healthcare, mental health, and fintech, among others.

Woman smiling with a marker in her hands next to a whiteboard


Do you want to catch any bugs in your project? The Quality Assurance Engineers in Akurey specialize in:

  • Performance Testing
  • Automated API Testing
  • Automated UI Testing
  • Smoke/Regression Testing
  • Accessibility Testing

Smartphone illustration with a magnifying glass looking for bugs, reference to QA


Our Front-End Developers are ready to execute any crazy ideas. They are constantly learning new technologies to achieve your projects.

A laptop displaying Wagon's website, a data analysis platform


Back-End Developers from Akurey are ready to connect clouds, design architectures, and implement and deploy to any platform such as websites, applications, and back-offices. All this with the security and functionality of the product first in mind.

A numerical code pattern, elusive to computer code


Our Full-Stack developers are the first to ensure the responsiveness of all our products. They will apply specialized knowledge in each stage of software development to achieve the best possible outcome.

Person coding on a desk with notes, an iPad, and a computer

Let’s Build the future

Be sure about the quality of your project

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